The Pacific Screenwriting Program works to ensure a vibrant screenwriting community in British Columbia. Based in Vancouver, the not-for-profit organization provides training and support to BC-based TV film and television writers at all levels, with the aim of generating a deep and sustainable pool of local talent for BC-based series and films with an emphasis on diversity and gender parity. We believe that supporting this community of writers is an essential first step to:
Creating locally owned and controlled IP that can be exported to global markets
Increasing the province’s ability to train and to retain talented screenwriters
Ensuring that BC’s diverse voices are represented on screens at home and around the world
The Pacific Screenwriting Program is a registered non-profit society.
Our Vision & Mission
Vision: A vibrant and sustainable screenwriting community in BC.
Mission: To provide local screenwriters with career-advancement opportunities, building a deep pool of screenwriting talent for BC-based series and films.
Our Values
Local storytelling with global resonance – we believe that stories by BC & Canadian writers are important and worthy of being shared internationally.
Championing under-represented voices – we actively work to redress the balance, providing accessible opportunities for writers from marginalized communities.
Industry-driven – we tailor initiatives to industry needs, fostering a thriving, working, screenwriting community.
Quality programs – we hold ourselves to a high programming standard, prioritizing the quality of the training we offer.
Our Board
Our Staff